Monday, January 4, 2010


This page will serve as a repository for all the information I have run aground on during some rough seas.  Some of then turned out to be rather nice islands with coconuts and those little umbrellas in your drink...

Photoshop Development and Related Links
  • Photoshop CS4 SDK - Photoshop Software Development Kit.  Worth a look if you are getting into some more advanced scripting or obvously plugin development.
  • Bridge CS4 SDK - This has some examples of creating JavaScript extensions for use with your scripts and panels.

3DS Max Maxscript and Plugins

Maya, Qt and Python

.Net and C# 
  • Reflector - Awesome tool for exploring  .Net assemblies and decompiling code.

Network and Web Tools
  • HTTrack - This is a web site copier and offline browser.  Highly configurable to hoover down anything it can from a web site.  Useful for archiving sites and pulling down image catalogues.
  • HTTP Recorder, TCP Spy and TCP Viewer - All from the same company, they are great for snooping and reverse engineering the TCP protocols between any client/server connection on a machine.

Windows Tools
  • Windows Modifier - A small util that is not very user friendly but is great for testing out Win32 API ideas if you need to hack and slash your way through a problem.  Can send messages to windows as well as reparent controls and windows.  Unfortunately there is no x64 version.
  • Winspector Spy - Another great tool for looking at the internal structure of windows.  Great if you need to get the HWND of a control for message testing etc.  Also invaluable for snooping windows messages to work out exactly what sneaky business is happinging under the sheets.  The main site seems to have gone but I managed to find the above link.
  • DebugView - Lists any debug output any open applications are outputting.  Can be very handy for diagnosing some applications or looking at debug output if you don't have a debugger installed. 
  • XMLPad - Awesome XML viewer / editor.  Can display XML data inall osrts of ways including tables.
  • Process Monitor - Lets you spy on what resources each process is accessing on your system including files and registry entries.  A lot of spam at the start but once you get your filters right is invaluable for seeing what DLLs a process is accessing and when.
  •  Process Explorer - Neat replacement for Task Manager and has a lot of extra info about processes.
 Work Flow Tools
  • UltraVNC - One of if not the best VNC implementation.  Has many plugins and now worries on multiple monitors.
  • Input Director - Most of us have multiple machines on our desk now days and this is the way to control them from a central keyboard and mouse.  Even supports multiple monitors on both the server and client. 
  • Synergy - Like Input Director only cross platform and less features but still good.
  • Dirkeys - Dirkeys is an awesome program that lets you assign short cut keys to any folder visible by explorer.  These short cuts can be used anywhere you can browse for files like windows explorer or file save dialogs.  Unfortneatly it only works in Windows XP.